Rejsemesse Finland
Redigeret 5. januar 2022
I lyset af de seneste ugers udvikling i coronapandemien, har folkene bag MATKA nu valgt, at rykke messen online. Vi har modtaget følgende:
Matka 2022 Workshop Day arranged fully digitally: Welcome to attend as a buyer!
Dear Tour Operator.
Due to authorities’ regulations, Matka 2022 Workshop Day will be arranged fully digitally on 19-21 January and 26 January 2022, and Matka Nordic Travel Fair is postponed to January 2023.
You will have four (4) days to attend online meetings at the times that work best for you. Finnish time is default setting in calendars, but you can change to local time, and block all slots when you are not available. When registering, please choose the days under the title ‘On which days are you visiting Matka 2022’. Your calendar will be opened accordingly. If you were invited by somebody, please also mention that.
Register as a Trade Buyer in Matka 2022 Workshop Day digital
Did you participate in Matka Workshop Day in 2020 or 2021? Please ask a link to restore your profile from: You can register as a buyer until 14 January 2022.
Any further information needed, please contact Maaret.
Tilmelding mulig allerede nu
Danmarks Rejsebureau Forening har modtaget følgende invitation fra Matka 2022 Nordic Travel Fair. Kontakt messen direkte for mere info. Der er links og kontaktinfo i invitationen nedenfor:
Matka 2022 Nordic Travel Fair is coming – surely and safely! We are able to organize the fair in all conditions, whatever the COVID-19 situation in January. Messukeskus Helsinki has introduced COVID passport (the EU Digital COVID Certificate) as of 4 December 2021. Furthermore, we recommend to use face mask in all Messukeskus premises, so you can register with peace of mind.
Please choose below which way suits you best.
- Registered buyer on 19 January and fair as of 20 January 2022
If you wish to attend Matka 2022 B2B Workshop Day on 19 January to meet with suppliers in pre-scheduled 15 minutes meetings, please register here:

If you participated as a buyer in 2020 or 2021, please ask a link to restore your profile from Maaret Manninen.
Buyer participation is available for tour operators, travel agents, OTAs and distribution channels’ representatives who participate in decision making of purchasing of travel services. Buyers can register until 11 January 2022.
With your ‘Buyer’ badge you have also access to the fair on all days 20-23 January with free-of-charge cloakroom use. Furthermore, you can apply for fully hosted pre or post tours, which all start and end in Helsinki. See tours here: Matka 2022 Pre and Post Tours. Otherwise, travel costs and stay in Helsinki are on your own expense but you can benefit on special accommodation rates which are available for registered buyers.
- Trade visitor on Thursday 20 January 2022
If you wish to skip pre-scheduled meetings and walk around on the fair halls without schedules, you are welcome to attend as a trade visitor. For that, please register here:
Matka 2022 Trade Visitor Registration
Trade visitor registration also allows you to access the fair on all days 20-23 January.
Any further information needed, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you in Helsinki in January!
Danmarks Rejsebureau Forening
Vodroffsvej 32
DK-1900 Frederiksberg C.
CVR. Nr.: 20 77 03 17