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ECTAA, den fælleseuropæiske rejsebureauforening, som DRF er medlem af, søger historier til en ny blog under hashtagget #newtravelexperience til blandt andet kunne fortsætte deres vigtige lobbyarbejde for branchen på europæisk plan.

ECTAA skriver: The tourism industry has been severely hit by the Covid-19 pandemic as never before. While some sector could resume their activities, our industry will remain in a critical situation for a foreseeable future.

Since March, ECTAA has been able to execute its lobbying activities thanks to the support and information provided by the member organisations. This expertise has been recognized by the Commission and some achievements have been made, yet convincing EU decision makers is permanent. So far, ECTAA did use grass-root strategies as some member organisations did, with successful results.

Keeping in mind the saying ‘people living the issue can best tell the story’, ECTAA is planning to put online at the beginning of October #newtravelexperience, a blog gathering the challenges, difficulties and successes that travel agents and tour operators of Europe are daily experiencing.  The aim of this tool is to substantiate our advocacy work towards the as regards airlines refund policies, relationship with service suppliers such as hotels, impact of erratic policies as regards travel restrictions… Incidentally, it can be used by other member organisations or the trade press to illustrate their arguments/articles.

ECTAA secretariat will be the moderator and filter the information. It means that the back-office access to the blog and responsibility to keep in mind its regular update would be our responsibility. #newtravelexperience will be online exclusively with acceptable critical mass of experiences.

Vi leder derfor efter et eller flere medlemmer, der vil være med og enten 1) skrive deres historie selv (på engelsk) eller 2) fortælle om deres case til en medarbejder hos DRF, som derefter skriver historien.

Kontakt Louise Alkjær på sekretariatet på eller 35 35 66 11, hvis du er interesseret.

Danmarks Rejsebureau Forening
Vodroffsvej 32
DK-1900 Frederiksberg C.
CVR. Nr.: 20 77 03 17