Deltag i webinarer
ECTAA udbyder en række webinarer i efteråret
ECTAA, den fælleseuropæiske rejsebureauforening, udbyder her i efteråret en række webinarer, som medlemmer kan deltage i.
Første webinar er allerede i morgen
Allerede i morgen, den 22. september 2020, afholdes der webinar om bæredygtige rejser. ECTAA skriver:
As part of the Preferred Destination agreement with the Greek National Tourism Organisation, we are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Tourism of Tomorrow”, taking place on Tuesday, September 22nd from 15:00 to 16:30 (CET) – see invitation.
We would greatly appreciate if you could participate to the webinar and also share this with your members.
Please register here and you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join the webinar.
Webinar om Travel payments den 29. september 2020
I næste uge er der webinar om B2B travel payments. Om det skriver ECTAA:
We invite you to the webinar “B2B travel payments”, taking place on Tuesday, 29 September 2020 from 16:00 – 17:00h CET – see invitation.
We hope that many of you will participate in the webinar and we would much appreciate if you also share this with your members.
Please register here and you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join the webinar.
Kontakt os gerne på eller 35 35 66 11, hvis du har spørgsmål til ECTAA’s webinarer.
Danmarks Rejsebureau Forening
Vodroffsvej 32
DK-1900 Frederiksberg C.
CVR. Nr.: 20 77 03 17